On the 12th of January 2015 we got married in Bude, Cornwall. It was an intimate thing with my parents, sisters and three of D's friends. We didn't bother with a photographer and all our photos were taken on the guest's phones which I really enjoy. Instead of your generic wedding photos we ended up with wonky photos of us pulling weird faces which captures us so much better than any photographer could.
You may not know who these guys are, they aren't massive outside Ireland but this is the Dublin band called "The Coronas". This Saturday they are beginning their UK and Ireland tour and I really wanted to see them in the Wedgewood rooms in Portsmouth but unfortunately the gig was the day before my due date. I had decided to not buy tickets and wait until the day and if I felt like it and there still were tickets we would go. D had suggested we buy tickets for a gig earlier in the tour but they were all in 3 arenas and I really wanted to see them in a smaller venue. On Monday night I was wasting my time away on Facebook when they updated a status saying they were opening a rehearsal the following day to 50 guests and would give the first 25 people to email two free tickets to go see them and meet them. Obviously I had to try my luck and my sisters thought they'd email too to see if they could win. After a few hours we all had lost hope when my younger sister got the email through saying she had been selected! She was kind enough to let me and D go and we had an amazing time. They played their full set list for the tour and we got to chat to them and get some set lists and picks signed. They are quite lovely lads and coincidentally one of their albums was recorded in Cornwall near where D lived!
The day of the Coronas gig was also the day that marked my 34 weeks of pregnancy. Little bump was well behaved and only really kicked hard to the loud guitar riffs, she's either not a fan or was rocking out in there. I was lucky enough to have an ultrasound at 33 weeks and we got to see our little baby one more time before she makes an appearance. She is weighing an estimate of 4 1/2 pounds and is really healthy. She was even laying in the same position as I was with her right hand behind her head, I guess she's going to be a lot like her mum... I did ask to confirm the sex but just as the technician was about to do so my breakfast decided to make a re appearance and we didn't get around to it. Regardless of whether the baby is a boy or a girl we really can't wait for the big day!
Finally I've been crocheting a giant granny square blanket, in pinkish colours so I do hope it is a girl! I'm using 200g of ice yarn that I got through a swap on Facebook. Last month I set up a new Facebook page for knitters and crocheters to swap unwanted hobby related things and it has really taken off! So I got 4 balls of 2 different ice yarns in exchange for some books I had and I'm now slowly making a blanket which hopefully will be done before baby arrives. I love the yarn but it's not as soft as I thought it would so I may use the blanket more as a decorative piece rather than as an actual blanket... We shall see how it turns out when I'm done and I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, I think that's it for now. I know I keep writing this but I will strive to post more regularly in these last few week until all my time is being taken up by the baby!
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